Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Six Mistakes of a Lesson Plan

The first thing I think of when thinking about a lesson plan is that it is a agenda that you want to follow. What I would do is write down a list of things that I would want to do in order in each individual class. For example I had a social studies class with a teacher in which he would right down on one of those yellow lined pieces of paper each thing in which he would like to address or do during class time. It gave him an order in which to go by. According to this article there are six parts of a lesson plan in which you would need to follow.

The objective: The objective is basically just what you would like to kids to learn and how you are going to teach them. What you want in the end is that some how you have proved to yourself that you have taught the information correctly and that you know that they know the information.

The lesson assessment: The lesson assessment is just basically a description of what you had taught them and how the teacher will determine that the students have learned the material.

The prerequisites: All the prerequisites says is a statement of what the student needs to know or what they must be able to succeed in the lesson plan.

Materials: All the materials are is what materials will you be useing in the lesson to get the students to be able to learn the information easier. It can also be using materials in actrivities that you are doing. basically anything to make the students lives a lot easier.

The instruction: The instruction is just how the teacher communicates with the students in which he/she wants and is looking for the student to show how they had learned the material. Another way to say it is the directions that the teacher gives to the students. Again giving instructions on what the teacher is looking for in the assignment can make the students job a lot easier.

The student Activities: What are the students going to be doing to get to know the material that has been taught? Are they going to be doing worksheets, drawing projects? It just explains what the students will be doing to earn the grade and to show that they indeed learned something.

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