Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Bacteria Lesson

To be completely honost I haven't been keeping up with my blog post as much as I should be. The past couple of weeks I was jus basically getting ready for teaching a two day lesson. I felt I over prepared this time which I think is awsome. I'd rather have been over prepared than not been able to burn all of the time up. I had a lab for the kids to do in where we were able to grow bacteria in a petri dish. The kids took swabs on q-tips and they rubbed them on places where they think would gather the most bacteria. Some kids took if off the tabel, others of door handles, and we even had someone take it off the surface of someone's neck. We put the dishes in the incubator over night and they next day bacteria was covering the whole dish.
After we were done with that we took bacteria from our own mouths and rubbed it in a new petri dish filled with agar and we made four different sections. We put a small disks of paper that was soaked in mouthwash in each section. Also in each section the disks were soaked in different kids of mouth wash. The object was to see which mouth wash worked the best. We put them in the incubator over night and took them out the next day and found out that it didn't work.
We then watched a move about bacteria and how there was good and bad bacteria. I showed them a powerpoint and we used the smartboard.
Overall i didn't think I was a successful with getting the information across to everyone as I was when I a taught the skeletal system. I felt that the kids didn't want to pay attention as much. I found that they were constantly asking to go to the bathroom, they were constantly talking to one another about things that were going on outside of class. I'm not saying it was there fault with them not learning that information as well as they could of. I feel I didn't do a very good job of keeping them on task and making it easy for them to learn. Hopefully it will be easier next time around.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reflection on First Quarter

Overall this first quarter of my internship has gone pretty well. As I've said numerous amounts of times, I came in not really knowing what to expect. With my senioritis kicking in I really haven't wanted to do much of any work but I stuck through it so far and I'm glad that I've worked hard at it. I figured that since this is what I'm most likely going to doing next year in college then I would have to take responsibility and do my work for this class.
I think that the one thing I have learned so far is responsibility. I'll admit that I haven't tried my hardest in high school and I hope that I don't suffer next year when I'll have to try my hardest with twice as much of work. With this class though it has taught me that I have to be prepared whenever I am going into the classroom and getting ready to teach because the way I look at it is that I don't want to let the kids down in teaching them the correct information.
I am very glad in the effort I have put forth so far this semester and I'm glad that the kids have cooporated very nicely whenever I had been teaching.