Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reflection on First Quarter

Overall this first quarter of my internship has gone pretty well. As I've said numerous amounts of times, I came in not really knowing what to expect. With my senioritis kicking in I really haven't wanted to do much of any work but I stuck through it so far and I'm glad that I've worked hard at it. I figured that since this is what I'm most likely going to doing next year in college then I would have to take responsibility and do my work for this class.
I think that the one thing I have learned so far is responsibility. I'll admit that I haven't tried my hardest in high school and I hope that I don't suffer next year when I'll have to try my hardest with twice as much of work. With this class though it has taught me that I have to be prepared whenever I am going into the classroom and getting ready to teach because the way I look at it is that I don't want to let the kids down in teaching them the correct information.
I am very glad in the effort I have put forth so far this semester and I'm glad that the kids have cooporated very nicely whenever I had been teaching.

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