Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Teaching for a Week

Last week I had to opportunity to be able to teach a lesson to the class for a full week. In reality if was really only four out of the five days but it felt like longer than a week. I knew it would be a lot of work but I wasn't sure it would be as much as I thought. I probably would of had to do more work if my instructor hadn't given me a lot of material. I was able to make myself a lesson plan for the whole week and I felt I was successful in following the lesson plan throughout the week. I felt I did a pretty good job in teaching the material to the students in most importantly i didn't have any problems with any of the students attitudes.
At first I was nervous about teaching because i didn't want to mess anything up, I wanted everything to be perfect. I found that teaching like anything else, needs practice. After my week was over my instructor was able to give me feed back and she said that instead of just following your plan to a T, try to mix it up a little so that everyone's needs are met. I think that makes a lot of sense because otherwise really all you are doing is writing lesson plans all the time and not really getting much out of the lesson.
At the end of the week I was able to make a evaluation for the students to fill out for my feedback. I found that all the students wrote pretty much the same feedback on the same questions and it was all good feedback. So in that part i was pretty happy in how the week went.
I think I took a lot away from teaching last week, and i think it will help me a lot in working my way into college and in into my major. I'm not reallu sure what i want to teach yet but i'm hoping just being able to be in front of a class and deal with real students will help me feel a lot more comfortable in front of a room of students.

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